Here at Brixton Chiropractic and Acupuncture, we are proud to offer our patients specials! We change these specials regularly, so make sure that you check the expiration date prior to redeeming your great deal!

We love giving our patients and future patients the opportunity to save some money and even try something new. Whether you have been needing to come to the chiropractor but have been putting it off, or you love visiting us and want to try more services, everyone is welcome to take advantage of the savings!

Our entire staff always stays up to date on the latest treatments and services, and you can always be sure that you are in good hands. We love assisting our patients so that they can live healthy and pain-free lives!

If you have any questions regarding our specials, contact us today at (405) 728-4851.

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New Patients First Visit Just $20!

First visit includes: assessment, adjustment, and x-rays if necessary.

We’re passionate about providing both our current and prospective patients with the opportunity to receive cost effective, top tier care.

Our dedicated team consistently keeps up with the newest treatment techniques to ensure you receive the best care possible. Our ultimate goal is to help you lead a healthy, pain free life!

For inquiries about our promotional offers, please reach out to us at (405) 728-4851.